About Me

Welcome to Exploring Plan Be! I am honoured to share my journey with you.

My name is Angelina Lee and I hail from a small island in the Caribbean. I am a wife, mother of three and an Attorney-at-Law by profession.

I have spent many years doing all that I considered necessary in order to satisfy a notion of success that I believed was fixed. In satisfying this notion, it became clear that I never truly felt satisfied. As Lily Tomlin so eloquently put it, “The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat.” My journey has turned inward and now my measure of success is no longer what I do in this life, but rather, who I am becoming.

Join me as I seek to delve deeper into the art of being. Fully, unapologetically and honestly being. Let us flip the script and discover, in the words of the great Bob Marley, that “the day you stop racing is the day you win the race”.