On-Air/ Off-Air Advice

I had an amazing opportunity last week. I was invited to be the on-air guest on a popular US based radio show to chat about this blog and my journey thus far. Needless to say, I had been the perfect mix of excitement and complete trepidation in the days leading up to the broadcast.

To be honest, I had a few concerns.

We in the Caribbean tend to speak very quickly and, having been born in one island, lived most of my life in another and been raised by a parent from yet another, my accent can only be described as a one-pot Caribbean mix-up. I therefore realised that I had to be very conscious about my delivery so that I would be understood.

In addition to how I would sound, I found myself contemplating what I would say.

Was this something I could really do?
Would my answers be good enough?
Can I speak with conviction about the lessons I’m learning?
Does anyone really want to hear what I have to say?

I chose to answer all of the above in the affirmative.

As I dialed into the station and waited to be introduced, I found myself writing three simple prompts on the piece of paper in front of me: 

Speak Slowly.
Speak Clearly.
Don’t Interrupt.

I didn’t think much of it at the time and figured that this advice would serve me well on-air.

Once the program segment began, any fear that I had harboured about the interview completely dissipated and I was delighted to find that the conversation flowed naturally and effortlessly. With each question posed I found myself fluent in my passion and earnest in my response.

As I hung up the receiver when it was all over, I felt grateful that I hadn’t allowed my doubts and insecurities to hold me back from this fulfilling experience.

I again glanced at those three simple prompts and smiled. I knew then that there was more meaning packed into those little prompts than had first met the eye.

The reminder to speak slowly was not because I might ramble or get carried away, but because I have something important to say. Something to share. Something that ought not to be missed.

The call to speak clearly was not because I am unintelligible or need to conform, but rather, because I have a unique sound that only I can bring to this world. A gift that only I can deliver.

The stern warning not to interrupt had nothing to do with my communication skills and everything to do with my journey.
Don’t interrupt my own story for fear of not measuring up or not fitting in.
Don’t interrupt my own goals in order to bow to expectation.
Don’t interrupt my own progress because it’s not as fast or as far reaching as another’s.

I studied these three prompts again and appreciated the sound advice that they gave. Advice that I want to be sure to carry with me off-air.

And I wonder…

What might you be facing now that is new or different?
What are you holding back from offering for fear of not being good enough?
What has caused you to question whether you are equipped for the task?
What is keeping you back from advancing with your innate offerings?

May I lend some simple advice?

Speak slowly.
Fill your words with purpose and intention, knowing that you have an important perspective, message and story that is worth sharing and ought not to be missed.

Speak clearly.
Embrace the gifts churning within and yearning for an opportunity to be articulated. They may not sound like everyone else’s, but that’s what makes them uniquely yours. That’s what makes them so needed.

Don’t interrupt.
Don’t stand in the way of your own progress. Don’t quell the underlying passions pointing you to your purpose. Don’t silence the call for more peace, more fulfillment or more authenticity.

Speak slowly. Speak clearly. Don’t interrupt. 

The world can’t wait to hear what you have to say.

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4 Replies to “On-Air/ Off-Air Advice”

  1. Is the program available to be heard anywhere now, Angelina?

    I have no doubt that you’ll continue to be heard – it’s not only your message, but how you say it that is filled with grace, meaning, and power.

  2. Angelina,
    Thank you for the link to your recording. It was lovely to hear your voice.
    (Your interview begins at 15:00 minutes).

    I thought you did a great job! You have so much wisdom to share!

    I had so many take-always from this. For myself, I need to remember that I am a “work in process” and I need to give myself grace. If we are being kinder and more patient to our children and others, we need to do that for ourselves. It’s SO hard to do….

    Then, there were two things you said that I’d like to share with my children. (Please note that these may not be exact quotes!!)

    One was “I don’t have to know what comes next, as long as I know what is now.”
    The other was “uncertainties in life happen, you just have to remain grounded.”

    So wise. So timely. I will listen to you recording again, as there is so much to ponder.

    Thank you so much. Take care.

    1. Ann, thank you so much for taking the time to listen and for sharing your thoughts with me. It truly is hard to extend patience and grace to ourselves, but we are deserving of them as well. Being a work in progress is something to be embraced. As for dealing with uncertainty… these lessons are ongoing, especially in light of everything that is going on in the world right now, and I need to remind myself often to concentrate on the moment at hand, and to take each day a moment at a time. Thank you again and keep well!

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