This is Growth

It’s so hard sometimes.
You think that you are making progress, seeing growth and cultivating change,
and then –
then it all just seems to stop.
Where you saw progress, you wonder about purpose.
Where you saw growth, you question the speed.
Where you saw change, you second-guess your resolve.

What’s the point?
Is it really worth it?
Where do I think I am going with this?

The questions are quick and brutal, instantly imposing a sense of hopelessness.
A feeling of failure.
An invitation to fear.

But then –
then I look back
and I remember.
I remember how far I’ve come.
I remember how much I’ve grown.
I remember how much has changed.

And I pick myself up.
I show myself grace.
I remind myself that this life that I am creating is an ongoing journey- not a final destination.
That progress is progress.
That direction matters more than speed,
and that big change occurs one small step at a time.

But most of all,
I remind myself
that my life must be lived as a gift.
That my offering need not be a masterpiece, but a piece of my heart.
That I need not know exactly where I am headed once I am sure that I am moving forward.

And then –
then that peace,
Oh, that sweet, sweet peace
begins to envelope my soul.
Assuring me that I have a place, and that I am always right where I need to be.
Reminding me that I have a voice, and that I must say the words I know I need to speak.
Promising me that I have a purpose, and that to follow it I must keep looking within.

Yes, it’s so hard sometimes.
But it’s also beautiful.
It’s also inspiring.
It’s also necessary.

This is progress. This is change.

This is growth.

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11 Replies to “This is Growth”

    1. Even the longest journey is travelled one small step at a time. Such a comforting thought.

  1. So, so beautiful.
    So, so perfect.
    So, so right, right now.

    Thank you, Angelina

  2. My Dear Angelina
    If you believe, like I do, that life is an unending journey that we all must undertake, that begins in eternity and ends in eternity, then it becomes easy to understand why growth is so important in in your life. Growth represent change, and progress will never occur without there being growth. Growth therefore is the engine of life, and the vehicle that keeps us on that journey of life.
    So rather than question growth, as we so often do, welcome it with open arms, and allow it to carry you on your own journey of life. You will never regret your decision!
    Uncle Edward

    1. Dearest Uncle Edward, I always treasure your comments. “Growth is the engine of life, and the vehicle that keeps us on that journey of life.” Such wise and profound words which compel us to embrace the discomfort that can accompany growth. Thank you!

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