Today is a New Day

Today is a new day.

I will not wallow in regret. I will not dwell on moments missed, on moments when my physical proximity was a poor substitute for a mind that was far away. Instead, I will choose to be present, fully present, and to show up exactly where I am. To offer myself fully to those that I love, knowing that this ‘now’ that is gifted to me is my moment to choose connection, to choose presence, and to forgive myself for not choosing it before.

Today is a new day.

I will not rush from task to task paddling furiously in a rolling sea of obligation. I will look beyond the notifications of distractions that contain the empty promise of urgency and productivity and instead focus on the mundane, in-between moments that hold the greatest treasure, the memories of which will sustain my heart for a lifetime.

Today is a new day.

I will not allow the weight on my plate to encumber my response and make heavy the burdens of others. I will not permit the perfectionist within to poison the efforts of those budding minds who try their best, yet need to try some more. Instead, I will choose to walk in love, to accept best effort as enough and to provide the support system needed instead of breaking a spirit to support a system in which that budding mind may not fit.

I will embrace the power of a pause, knowing that taking a moment to measure my response has the potential to build instead of break a relationship, to salvage instead of sabotage self-esteem, and to ignite instead of quell curiosity and passion.

Today is a new day.

I will not worry about being able to give myself fully to each moment that comes my way tomorrow. I will not fret about having to choose intention over distraction in another moment. I will not seek to solve problems yet to be presented. I will not be anxious about missing magical moments when I consider the work still to be done.

Why, you may ask?

Because tomorrow, I will face my reflection in the mirror, and regardless of what I see I will declare “today is a new day”.

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2 Replies to “Today is a New Day”

  1. I am so happy to have read this first thing in the morning. It something I needed to hear because I had a rough day yesterday – but today is a new day. I need to be present, fully present! Good read 🙂

  2. I love the way you think, and write!
    It’s a lifelong journey to achieve” being”, some days easier than others.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I look forward to reading more.

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