Make Time for Life

We tend to rush around, believing that life is a race to be won. But this race is not for the swift.

When we slow our pace and take the time to enjoy the things that spark joy in our lives, something dramatic happens. We feel ignited. We feel energised. We find peace.

A friend of mine decided to slow her pace as well. She set down the things that robbed her of her energy and her peace and she picked up her camera. By creating space in her life, she awakened a passion that lay dormant within for so long: a passion for noticing beauty and capturing it through her lens. On one of her many travels, she took this beautiful picture.

Don’t think that you have to leave your career to pursue passion. I know a doctor that models, lawyers that dance and teachers that race.

Slow your pace.

Make time for peace.
Make time for you.
Make time for life.

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