Today can still be that day

Two months are done already. Another is about to start. How did this happen?

Perhaps you haven’t quite gotten to the changes that you had resolved to make two months ago. (After all, wasn’t it just the other day? ) Perhaps you hoped that by now things would have been a little different. That progress would have been evident. Perhaps you have abandoned the dreams you dreamt as the night sky lit up, heralding in a new year of possibilities. Heralding in a new you.

Here’s a friendly reminder:
Journeys are travelled step by step, day by day.
Lives are lived moment by moment, day by day.
Change takes place decision by decision, day by day.

Today can still be that day.

Your hopes can still be achieved, regardless of whether you have taken any steps towards your goal up until now.

Take that first step.
Create that first moment.
Make that first decision.

Today can still be that day.

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